ag体育正规 Day Trip: A Guide to One Perfect Day in 纳帕

  • 指南
  • 黛西·巴林杰
  • 2023年10月27日
  • 119161
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ag体育正规 Day Trip: A Guide to One Perfect Day in 纳帕

黛西·巴林杰著 2023年10月27日

每个人都知道加州的 ag体育正规 has some of the best 酒ries in the world, but it’s so much more than just 酒. ag体育正规 is a world-class 酒 Country filled with extraordinary culinary experiences, 迷人的山脉和葡萄园, 令人惊叹的艺术. 它也只是一个跳跃, 跳过, a jump (or rather a short drive) from San Francisco 和 neighboring 索诺玛, 这使它成为一日游的完美目的地.

而你可以轻松地安排半天的纳帕之旅, 我们建议全天旅行, 所以你可以做所有有趣的事情,比如 品酒, 外出就餐, 探索当然了. And there’s no need for lots of planning because this itinerary maps out how to have a fantastic day full of some of ag体育正规’s best experiences without too much time in the car. (Note: Most of the stops on the itinerary are in 和 around the 纳帕市像更北的目的地一样 AG体育平台St. 海伦娜 会占用太多开车时间吗.)


图片由 恩飞咖啡馆

早餐 is definitely the most important meal of the day when 品酒 is on the itinerary. Proteins 和 carbs will help soak up that booze (or at least help it absorb it more slowly), there’s no better protein 和 carb combo than the chicken 和 waffles at 恩飞咖啡馆 在风景如画的地方 卡内罗斯温泉度假村. Located at 4048 索诺玛 Highway (as you head into 纳帕 from San Francisco or 索诺玛), 这是开始一天的最佳地点. Pro tip: Grab a dozen of the famous donuts for car snacking.


在韦德山上,你会发现 赫斯·佩尔松地产公司,位于纳帕红木路4441号,在那里你可以 扮演今天的酿酒师 by blending three varietals to create a custom blend you can take home. The experience starts with a tour of the historic Mount Veeder Visitor Center 和 the Hess 当代艺术博物馆, one of the most impressive private collections in the world, before sitting down to create your own 酒 masterpiece.

Enjoy a delicious lunch at Oxbow Market (plus treats to take home)

牛首公开市场, located at 610 1st Street in 纳帕, is popular with locals 和 tourists alike, for good reason. You’ll find all kinds of food purveyors at this lively high-end market, where you can enjoy a fantastic meal as well as find all kinds of epicurean delights from local Californian food 和 酒 producers. Take a lap before committing to your lunch fare (you’ll find everything from oysters to burgers to empanadas) 和 then enjoy your meal on the spacious deck overlooking the 纳帕河. You can also find plenty of goodies to assemble your own picnic, if you’d prefer to pack a picnic 和 eat along the 纳帕河front.


第一街购物图片由Sarah Anne Risk提供

If you’re looking for something to do other than 品酒, look no further than 第一大街 在纳帕市中心, 你在哪里能找到三块品酒室, 有趣的商店, 独特的艺术画廊. 你也可以去ag体育正规欢迎中心, 位于第一街1300号, 顺便拿张免费地图给 ag体育正规艺术步道, a public outdoor art exhibition featuring eight sculptures, 都在步行距离之内.


在牡鹿之跃品尝,图片由 鹿跃酒厂

It would be extremely ambitious to stop at every 酒ry mentioned on this itinerary, 但如果你想成功的话, 他们按驾驶顺序列在这里. 更好的是, 选择一两个, so you can really enjoy the experience without rushing or worrying about time.

鹿跃酒厂, 位于纳帕的西尔维拉多步道6150号, is on one of California’s first 酒 estates — home to 240 acres of vineyards 和 an 1890s stone Manor House surrounded by beautiful gardens. Book the 75-minute estate tasting experience so you can explore the property 和 gardens before enjoying a seated tasting.

威廉希尔庄园酒庄, 位于纳帕的阿特拉斯山道1761号, is another picturesque estate with views of the vineyards 和 rolling hills. Book the Overlook Tasting to sit on the terrace 和 take it all in.

伯吉斯酒窖, 位于2921 Silverado Trail, 不只是提供优质的葡萄酒, but this historic property also has sweeping views that are pretty darn spectacular.

If you’re planning to head back to San Francisco or 索诺玛 before dinner, stop into 葡萄园Carneros on your way out of town, which is located at 1240 Duhig Road in 纳帕. Stroll through the formal gardens before taking a seat on the terrace of the French-inspired Chateau, 你可以啜饮泡沫的地方, 吃鱼子酱, 为葡萄酒之乡美妙的一天干杯.

拱 & 塔
享受葡萄酒,自制的咬,和河景在拱门 & 纳帕市中心的塔. 图片由 拱 & 塔

If an urban 酒ry is more your jam, don’t miss Robert Mondavi’s new 拱 & 塔 品尝的房间. Located overlooking the 纳帕河, at 930 3rd Street in 纳帕, 拱 & 塔 is downtown 纳帕’s newest spot to sip acclaimed 酒 while enjoying curated food pairings. 如果你计划得当, you can sip a glass of 酒 as the sun sets during their Golden Hour tasting, 在出去吃饭之前.

Get a new perspective on 纳帕 with an unusual or global-inspired dining experience


If you’re “just” looking for exceptional food in a stylish space that stays fixed to the ground for the entire meal, 纳帕有一些特别的餐馆. 安吉拉的餐厅 & 酒吧, a riverfront bistro located at 540 Main Street 在纳帕市中心, 我可以送你去法国过夜吗. 在 森本晃司纳帕, 就在主街610号几扇门之外, 感觉就像去日本旅行, 配寿司, 为了, 甚至还有一点购物.

我们也很喜欢那里的食物 中央情报局的格罗夫, 在共享, Mediterranean-inspired dishes are chock full of ingredients from Copia’s own on-site gardens.

然而, if you’re looking for a more unusual dining experience, you can go on a literal culinary journey via l和 or sea. Roll past 纳帕’s lush l和scapes 和 旅行 back in time on the ag体育正规葡萄酒列车位于纳帕市麦金特里街1275号. This classic 纳帕 experience is available for 酒 tours during the day, 但他们晚上也提供多道菜的晚餐. 如果这不能让你浮起你的船,a 酿酒师巡航 一定会. Glide along the 纳帕河 in a 50-foot yacht while enjoying a four-course dinner with 酒 pairings. The boat departs from the 纳帕 Yacht Club, located at 100 Riverside Road in 纳帕.


Everyone deserves a perfect California 酒 Country experience full of amazing food, 酒, 和风景. And with so many activities available for those short on time, ag体育正规一日游是完全可行的. 是时候开始计划了!